
Dear MEDAdvisor24, guests of Ukraine. To your attention we present the opportunity to receive medical services for medical tourism programs.

First of all, we represent the clinics of Ukraine, which have already earned a reputation as reliable partners in the field of medical and aesthetic services in the near abroad.

Services are provided by medical tourists in the field of aesthetic medicine, diagnosis of diseases, treatment, and rehabilitation.

When you visit Ukraine, you can not only get medical and health services, but also get acquainted with the cultural sights.

This section of MEDAdvisor24 will allow you to choose the necessary service, the direction of medicine or a specific medical institution that is necessary for you and your loved ones.


МАДЕСТ для іноземців - розмовляємо англійською та німецькою мовами

Стоматологія МАДЕСТ пропонує для іноземців послуги: - терапевтична стоматологія - дитяча стоматологія - стоматологічна ортопедія (протезування) - та ін Наші лікарі розмовляють англійською та німецькою мовами. Раді будемо Вам допомогти. Бучанський район (Києво-Свято...

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The development of medical tourism is gaining momentum every year and is reaching a new level of quality. It is becoming easier and more comfortable to visit countries, which allows developing new tourist destinations, including medical ones. You can find news that will help you to keep abreast of new directions of medical tourism in Ukraine and abroad, clinics, as well as events dedicated to this field.

Glad to be helpful!!!


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